In spite of application of the current legislation devoted to air pollution control, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3) and particulate matter (PM) levels are expected to remain problematic after 2020 in many places in Europe (Seventh Environment Action Programme [7th EAP]) and will still be responsible for a loss of ten months of life expectancy. This is particularly true for urban areas, where more than 70 % of the EU population lives.

To combat air pollution, further action will be needed, in particular emissions from road traffic and residential combustion in urban areas.


MetClim can perform emission reduction scenarios (1) to support decision making on which activity source sector one should act and to which extent and (2) to understand if local measures alone are sufficient or if measures on a larger scale need to be taken in order to improve the air quality.

Air quality forecast Europe PM10

Air quality forecast Europe ozone (O3)

Air quality forecast Europe NO2